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CAMPO LIBERO (The Innocent House). Off-Grid Pavilion for the Reactivation of Lands Confiscated from the Mafia.


Campo Libero (The Innocent House) is a mobile device for reactivating the lands confiscated from the mafia in the south of Italy. It is designed as an off-grid rural mobile pavilion for the Italian organization Libera, which mission is to promote legality by training volunteers, providing legal support and helping refugees working with no rights in the tomato fields. Campo Libero is designed to overlooks the land, reclaiming the archaic lyricism of the southern countryside.

Campo Libero is designed to extend its volume, thanks to an integrated scaffolding structure that provide access to the roof and allows a second story to be built.

The project was commissioned for the XV Biennale di Architettura di Venezia by Taking Care, the exhibition at the Italian Pavilion curated by TAM Associati. With this project, the curators' intention of taking Care, designing for the commons goes beyond the biennale exhibition and creates an action that will have a real impact in the disadvantaged territories of the Italian urban peripheries.



AAVV, Social Design. Empowerment and Partecipation. Edited by Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Angeli Sachs
With essays by Claudia Banz, Michael Krohn, Angeli Sachs, Lars Müller, 2016. 

Selected Online Publications: 


Il Gionale delle Fondazioni


2016 XV Biennale di architettuta di Venezia, Italian Pavillion. 

2017 FORM FOLGT PARAGRAPH, Architekturzentrum, Wien, Austria.

2019 SOCIAL DESIGN, MK&G, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany.

2018 SOCIAL DESIGN, Museum für Gestaltung, Zurich, Switzerland.

2020 SOCIAL DESIGN, Braunschweigischen Landesmuseum, Germany.

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